Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Risen Moments, Easter Hope

Pastor Note for Easter Sunday

He is Risen. Let us rejoice!

“Christ broke the prison bars of death,” the Exultet of the Easter Vigil proclaims, and Christ’s “Glory floods the earth,” we hear. The Exultet tells us that Christ continually purifies us of our weaknesses and failures, all that is sinful within us. Christ does that for us as individuals and Christ does that for us as a Church. We hear in the prophetic Scriptures, “He shall purify” (Malachi 3:3). That is Good News of the greatest magnitude. None of us has yet experienced the fullness of the Resurrection so it can be difficult for us to comprehend this mystery. But we have hints of it whenever we are renewed by encouragement or hope in the midst of all our losses, all our griefs. Let us ‘strain forward’ (Philippians 3:16), as St. Paul says, choosing the hope, peace and confidence that only the Risen Christ can give us! May we choose this Eastertide to recognize these ‘risen moments’ in our lives for the Greater Glory of God. Alleluia!

Father Al

See our complete Holy Week schedule on our website. Please note that there are no evening Masses on Easter Sunday.