Sunday, February 16, 2014

"The Envelope, Please!"

Sunday ‘Envelope Talk’ by Fr Al

February 15 and 16th, 2014


“The envelope, please!” We all know that expression: “the envelope, please.” But no, Fr. Al is not here to talk to you about the Academy Awards or anyone named Oscar! I want to thank you for your stewardship in support of our parish. You gave us a marvelous Christmas season. You were very generous and we are very grateful and very encouraged. So, yes, I am here to talk about envelopes. These envelopes!

The Finance Council and the Parish Pastoral Council have asked me to come before you this weekend to tell you that, upon their counsel, we are moving to an envelope system for weekly offertory collections. Beginning the weekend of March 1 & 2, all registered parishioners, and even those who are not registered but are making a consistent weekly gifts to our parish, will be receiving a packet of collection envelopes.

We have come to the conclusion that the introduction of collection envelopes will help enhance parishioners’ experience of making gifts to our parish. Some of the benefits of this decision include: a nice friendly reminder, the recording of cash donations for year-end tax recognition and the inclusion of envelopes for special collections such as BUILD and many more.

Not only will this enhance the experience of gifting to our parish, but it will also be very helpful to our staff as we move to an online database to record gifts to the parish. Moving to an online database comes from another effort to serve our parish community better. In moving to an online database, we will be able to record more efficiently your generous weekly gifts and provide more accurate year-end tax letters.

The collection envelopes will be mailed to you in packets containing two months of envelopes, including special collection and Holy Day envelopes. They may begin arriving this coming week. Should you forget to bring your envelope to Mass, we will have extra envelopes in the narthex. Simply fill out the information on the envelope if you want your gift to be recorded for tax purposes.

And, yes, we will continue out EFT giving online. We are in the process of creating chips that read “I give by EFT.” You will pick one up in the narthex and drop in the collection basket as it passes by your row.

Students, this includes you, too! I have spoken with many of you, asking you to give $20.00 per month or $5.00 per week. Take a blank envelope when you arrive for Mass, insert your donation and include your name on the envelope.

I want to thank you once again for your tremendous support of our parish Newman Center. Together we support Christ’s Church and share our lives for God’s Greater Glory. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, once again!

Reverend Albert J. DeGiacomo, Pastor

Holy Spirit Parish Newman Center

15 February 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Homily: 2.9.14. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. "Salt and Light"

Is 58:7-10:3; Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5: 13-16

Salt and Light. Salt preserves and purifies. Light leads us forward. The message today is a simple one: Our good works preserve us in goodness. They lead to good for others.

Our baptismal light sheds light on others. Jesus says, "Let your light shine before others." It is thrown out in front of us. The focus is not on us (Margaret Ralph, Breaking Open the Lectionary: Cycle A, 59). Our good deeds throw Christ’s light on situations. This week we hear Christ announce the corporal works of mercy, good deeds: caring for the hungry, the naked, the homeless in the first reading. Today we also call these acts of justice. These acts reveal a loving God and they help others to believe in a loving God. We can do these acts out of duty, obligation, guilt and even for income tax deductions! (It’s okay to have mixed motivations. God can work all these together for the good,” as St. Paul tells us.) 

In the second reading St. Paul says, “I came to you in weakness.” Like Paul, our weakness can bear light. That is, it can lead us to identify with the weakness of others: the hungry, homeless, naked as the first reading tells. We have all known weakness and suffering. Our suffering can lead us to identify with those who suffer.  That’s how the salt comes in. It can purify us; that is, cleanse us from sin. Isaiah tells us today “Your wound will be healed and your light will shine.”

When I was a boy, I was prone to getting skin rashes when I played with the neighborhood kids in the woods near my house.  Because we lived near the ocean, my father would take us to the beach on Sunday.  He believed that the salt water was a cure-all; that it would clear up my skin rash.  It often did.  Our good deeds clear up our souls.  Through the grace of Christ working in us, our good deeds are like salt, cleansing us of sin, of all this is petty in us. Our wound is healed. The salt preserves us in virtue as it purifies us.  Our acts of justice purify us; we hear this in both the Hebrew and the Christian scriptures.  They grant us time off purgatory.  I think of this often when I am making a hospital call—especially the ones in the middle of the night. I am making up for my sins! These good deeds, in other words, “merit us salvation,” as the Eucharistic Prayers states.

Our good deeds bring light to others and they give glory to God. Men and women can believe in a loving God. This weekend in the bulletin you will find again information on BUILD.  It is one way to let your light shine. Go, throw your light!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Homily, 2.2.14. Feast of the Presentation. "We Present Ourselves."

Homily, Feast of the Presentation
Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40

La PresentaciĆ³n. The Presentation. Our Latino sisters and brothers understand this so well. In addition to the Rite of Baptism, they also have something called La PresentaciĆ³n, the Presentation. The child is presented to God in much the way we see in the Gospel today, the way Mary and Joseph presented Jesus. It is an act of dedication or consecration. It begins in infancy and grows through life. Notice that we hear Jesus grew in wisdom, age and grace. Just like us!
Scripture scholar Richard Sklba makes the point about growing in our consecration to God as we cooperate. “Although the action of Christ may be once and for all, the effect of that reality in our lives is not; it continues to deepen or diminish. Being ‘consecrated,’ like being ‘perfected,’ is a lifetime process (Richard J. Sklba. Fire Starters. Liturgical Press. Collegeville, MN: 2013. p 44).
How do we continue to grow in our dedication or consecration to God? Vatican II teaches that the call to holiness is universal. It is also perennial. Hopefully with each passing year, we grow in holiness; that is, we grow to be conformed more closely to his image. It depends on what we do with our freedom.
As I said last week, we are an intentional formation community as a university parish, Newman Center. Everything we do is designed to foster the growth of our students, and our own as well, as we support and nurture them. It is never easy, and sometimes it is difficult. This is how we grow. It wasn’t easy for Mary and Joseph either.
This is a great feast for parents. It illustrates what parents go through and we can look ahead to see what Mary and Joseph will suffer as they raise this child. We don’t hear much about Jesus again until he’s twelve when he is not presented in the temple, but rather, he presents himself in the temple, teaching the teachers. As much as Mary and Joseph suffered on that occasion, looking for a lost child, they also prepared him for this moment in his destiny. This is what all good parents do, forming their children to meet their futures. Then you trust your children to God just as Mary and Joseph did. We trust that God will be there, present and active.
As Mary and Joseph, Anna and Simeon waited for the coming of this child, so we, too, wait for the Holy Spirit to assist us in our own growth in dedication to God and God’s work.
Lent is coming soon. We can plan now for the works and activities that will assist us in growing in our dedication to God as we present our lives to him in service and in praise.
In the end Mary presented here son yet again – at the foot of the Cross. The human formation that he had received form Mary and Joseph had prepared him to present his life to God the Father: “Father, into your hand I commend my Spirit. In the end we all present our lives to God. If we have cooperated with God’s grace, as Alice Camille has noted, Mary will be there to assist us just as she did her Son.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Risen Moments, Easter Hope

Pastor Note for Easter Sunday

He is Risen. Let us rejoice!

“Christ broke the prison bars of death,” the Exultet of the Easter Vigil proclaims, and Christ’s “Glory floods the earth,” we hear. The Exultet tells us that Christ continually purifies us of our weaknesses and failures, all that is sinful within us. Christ does that for us as individuals and Christ does that for us as a Church. We hear in the prophetic Scriptures, “He shall purify” (Malachi 3:3). That is Good News of the greatest magnitude. None of us has yet experienced the fullness of the Resurrection so it can be difficult for us to comprehend this mystery. But we have hints of it whenever we are renewed by encouragement or hope in the midst of all our losses, all our griefs. Let us ‘strain forward’ (Philippians 3:16), as St. Paul says, choosing the hope, peace and confidence that only the Risen Christ can give us! May we choose this Eastertide to recognize these ‘risen moments’ in our lives for the Greater Glory of God. Alleluia!

Father Al

See our complete Holy Week schedule on our website. Please note that there are no evening Masses on Easter Sunday.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Scenes from morning adoration at UK Newman Center

UK students in early morning adoration, Eucharistic chapel. 4.8.2011

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Eucharistic Chapel, Holy Spirit Parish, Newman Center, 4.8.2011
'Crucifixus,' by Victor Hammer, friend of Thomas Merton, Eucharistic Chapel, Holy Spirit Parish, Newman Center

UK students and FOCUS missionaries, early morning adoration, Eucharistic Adoration, Holy Spirit Parish, Newman Center

Matt McCartney (right), FOCUS team director, and UKstudent, Joseph Gieske (on bike), after adoration in Newman Center courtyard, 4.8.2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Priestly Ordination. Imposition of Hands by Bishop Ronald Gainer. May 17, 2008

Cathedral of Christ the King, Lexington, Kentucky
May 17, 2008

Homily. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. "Babette's Feast"

Homily for Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Sir 15:15-20; Cor 2:6-10; Mt 5: 17-37

From the Beatitudes two weeks ago, to salt and light last week to right conduct and the law this week. Scripture scholar Alice Camille says we don’t like the law. Let’s face it: we all know that a yellow traffic light means to speed up, right? She says there is tendency in us to evade them if we can –- in violations for speeding, parking and traffic lights. But in our heart of hearts we also know that law is to protect us. At intersections, what if we all went when we wanted? The law saves us. St. Thomas More said to his son-in-law, Will Roper: “England is planted think with laws. If we cut them down – … who could stand in the winds that would blow?” This is part of ‘God’s wisdom,’ noted in the second reading. The law preserves us. In the gospel today, the focus is on law, not civil, but divine. It is relational -- the way we treat others: relationships. It’s a basic principle in the spiritual life that the way we treat others reveals the way we treat God, as well. The locus is the heart. Christ is saying that our behavior must not disregard the letter, but get to the spirit. Today we call this integration.
Barbara Reid, O.P. says it starts with little things. Anger toward someone, unchecked, can lead to violence and lust can lead to adultery. So it’s important that we monitor these feelings. Moreover, seeking reconciliation with others and with God leads to conversion of heart, interior conversion. I’ve joined Netflix and I’m viewing films I missed. I was looking at a 80s film, Babette’s Feast. It’s about a bereft French chef named Babette who is taken in by a church community in seaside Scandinavian town. To express her gratitude she gives all she has in money to prepare a feast for them. The final scene shows these church people enjoying a great meal together. They had split into factions, but the meal moves their hearts to forgive each other their petty mistreatments – and they say it, too. It is symbolic of the Eucharistic liturgy which is meant to be transformative.
Barbara Reid suggests we emulate St. Therese of Lisieux, ‘the little flower,’ in her ‘little way.’ She did little things out of love for God: e.g. while chopping vegetables in the kitchen, she practice courtesy toward a sister, also at the chopping block, who got on her nerves -- yes, even in the cloistered monasteries of nuns! That is why she is an example to us all. Because she shows us in the ordinary things of life, we can grow in holiness and move toward perfection which is to say, toward God. In little things like this, we move toward God. It’s all in the details.
So can do an act of kindness this week and expand in heart? Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, a golden opportunity. (And today is World Marriage Day.) Don’t say, “O she knows I love her.” That’s what people say about God, too. It baloney. Say it. Do it. It’s all in the details. It gets to the heart!